Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/Give Until They Can't Live Without You
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Give Until They Can't Live Without You

Russell Simmons told me, "Give until they can't live without you."

I started out just to do for myself: I was unknown, didn't have much material-wise, and was only looking for ways to benefit myself.

I soon found I had something to offer that a lot of people wanted and needed -- and that the more I gave to them, the more I got.

But I'm not the first person to say that sh**. For me it's more than that.

[dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="h4" animation="none" background="plain"]The Mental Workbook: The Daily Program To Transform From Who You Are Into Who You Need To Be[/dt_quote]

I want people around me who are on what I'm on: Getting better, doing better, and living better. The more people doing this, the better everything -- products, services, ideas -- is for all of us. So it's not a selfish thing, but at the same time, it is ?.

That said, I do my best to do my part and make people *want to* get better, and help those who've decided to do so. I don't know if that's you. But I'm here if so.

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