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Frustrations List

In The Mental Workbook, I advocate — and require — the reader’s creation of a Goals list: Things you want to achieve, places you want to go, material things you want to have, the person you want to become. While such a creation will surely help direct your energy, thoughts and deeds, writing down goals is not a new concept (though The Mental Workbook is much more than that). I myself was writing down goals long before I ever thought of writing a book.

But sometimes it’s hard to get clear on what we want. Our minds get so conditioned by our day-to-day reality, it’s hard to step outside of that reality and visualize life as if literally anything is possible.

And while something being a challenge doesn’t mean it can’t be done, there’s an option that may be easier, and come more naturally to you: A list of what you don't want.

All your frustrations.
The people you hate being around.
The circumstances you don’t want to deal with ever again.
The realities that don’t make you happy to think about.
Everything that’s not the way you want it to be, and you know it’s not.

That may help your writer's block.

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