"A wise man told me never argue wit' fools, cuz' from a distance, nobody can tell who is who." - Jay-Z
I often get asked how to deal with people who send negative energy in your direction. The answer is simple: don't deal with it. If someone says something negative about you, why do you have to respond? Who is forcing you to talk back or even consider the words being said? You are 100% in control.
And usually, the person who talks bad about you has accomplished less than you and is doing less than you're doing -- I mean, it's them talking about what you're doing. By definition, if that person had something to do, they wouldn't be considering you. When you take time to engage a person in dialogue, you are putting yourself and that person at the same level. Engage with these people who talk bad about you, whether you label them losers or clowns or haters, and you become one in spirit, if not in fact.
Let it go. Create distance and you wont even be able to hear them.