In any group situation, the person who has the most skill / knowledge / experience is the person who should be talking the most. And everyone else should be OK with that, happy to follow.
This most-knowledge person has the most credibility, the clearest insight into circumstances, and we could reasonably assume they would have the smartest suggestions as to what to do - they have the experience, after all.
For example, I have friends who teach at schools. When the subject is education, I mostly ask questions and listen.
When the subject is playing basketball, I mostly speak, and they listen.
Most rational people agree with this logic.
The problems arise when one of two dynamics occur…
1: One person happens to have the most skill / knowledge / experience on every subject that comes up -- so it seems that this person is maliciously dominating the conversation when in actuality, they just happen to be the best person to speak on each topic.
Luck of the draw.
2: One person in the group is NEVER the most skilled / knowledgeable / experienced -- on anything -- so while everyone else gets a chance to speak and lead on a topic, this person never gets the chance. They see this as unfair.
We can call this the un-luck of the draw.
The inconvenient truth is, everyone ain’t equal.
Some people have earned the right to speak / lead more than others. And some people haven't earned the right to speak / lead at all.
If you want to change the dynamic, Work On Your Game and skill up.
I talked about this dynamic here:
#1215: Does Everyone Deserve A Chance?
And here:
#855: Not Everyone Is Gonna Make It