Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Entrepreneurship Is Dangerous 😳‼️
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Entrepreneurship Is Dangerous 😳‼️

​​Entrepreneur: A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

The trade-off of freedom is security.

More freedom = less security.
More security = less freedom.

Entrepreneurship is the ultimate business freedom. Because, as a general rule, you have zero security.

There is no guaranteed, steady pay.

There’s no one to fall back on when things go wrong.

No system in place to help you when you stumble.

No co-workers or bosses to blame when you screw up.

Those who don't have the stomach to be entrepreneurs are waiting for you to fail, so they can tell you you shouldn’t have done it.

You will lie awake many nights, wondering how you will solve Problem XXX. Because Problem XXX doesn’t get solved unless YOU figure it out.

You will have an offer / product / idea that no one buys and collects dust.

Your financial ceiling is unlimited — as is your financial “basement.”

Any help you get, must be paid for.

No one will feel sorry for you.

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