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Easy Way For Hard Workers To Make More Consistent Progress...

When I would read comments from frustrated basketball players, every few days I’d get a player claiming that he practiced for 4-8 hours per day, yet they were not getting any better. 
And they hoped I could explain why. 
These days, there are entrepreneurs and freelancers who work 4-8 hours per day, yet their business is not progressing. 
And they hope I can explain why. 
The reason is often very simple. 
You’re showing up to work without a plan. 


I once trained with a guy in Tampa, Florida who had several NBA-player clients. He told me at the start of a session that science had shown that an individual workout (where, as opposed to a team workout, there are fewer rest opportunities for a single person) could expect 45-60 minutes of full effort from an athlete, no more. 
In other words, if an individual workout is lasting 4 hours, there’s a lot of bullshitting going on. The human body isn’t scientifically capable of training hard for that long without a break. 

Business people do the same shit that athletes do, but the business version: poke around online, check social media, waste time in your inbox, update profile photos, as the hours quietly melt away. 
When there’s no plan to get things done, nothing gets done. 
When your work is devoid of a clear beginning and ending… well, what do you expect? 
I’m not the biggest planner out there. I don’t write down my daily routines for work — but I HAVE a daily routine for work. 
I know when I’m writing. 
When I’m recording, and how much. 
I make time for addressing email and for outreach. 
I know where I’m working and with whom. 
And I know when I’m done, so I can mentally let go of work for the day. 
When I was playing ball, it was the same thing. I knew how many sets and how many shots I was getting in, and I knew when it was time to leave. 
The routine and structure simplified my process. That executed basketball plan essentially started my business. 
The simplest way to get started with your plan is to stop trying to do too many things at once. 
More than one thing = “too many.” 
Choose one area to focus on, to get better at, and work on it until it’s where it needs to be. Choose an area that is high leverage — something that, when perfected, makes the biggest difference for you. 

Only work on that. Don’t move on to any other projects until that one is handled. This will kill any possible overwhelm, streamline your work process, and help you identify where you need help. 
When that’s all set— however long it takes — then you can move on. 
Start with your plan. And stick to your plan. 
Without a plan, time will move on, but you won’t. 

Take these MasterClasses on time and focus — 
#966: How To Stay Focused Through Boring, Repetitive Work
#954: How To Develop Tunnel-Vision-Level Focus
#795: Focus Vs. Attention: Know The Difference
#812: No Time For Worry When You're Working
#797: How To Build Your Foundation’s "Nest," One Step At A Time
#1193: Focus: The Force Multiplier
#1165: Where To Focus At Work And In Life

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