Work On Your Game Content/Overseas Basketball/Dre, I Received A Dubious Overseas Offer With No Film...
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Dre, I Received A Dubious Overseas Offer With No Film...

Every once in awhile, I'll have post that is a copy-paste of an email exchange I've had with someone. I do this when I feel the exchange would swerve others who may have similar issues/opinions/questions. All identifying information, of course, is removed. You'll see th
e question that was asked (Q:) and my response (A:). Beneath that will be any additional thoughts/links/information relating to the message.

You can see all of these posts grouped on this page.


Q: I received a contract to Belarus, without film, only emails with the team manager. I've yet to sign being a little skeptical about the whole thing. I've never been overseas. Any advice on how to handle this situation?

A: That's a unique situation. If it's for real they would need to supply you with a plane ticket, so see if that comes through. I'd be wary of them wanting you to pay for your own flight -- not that the team would be fake, just that it would be more of a tryout situation where multiple players may all be coming at once. If you do go there (whether they pay of you do), be sure to have money of your own just in case things aren't on the up-and-up.


I cover overseas ball and money here, scam artists here, and everything relating to getting in the game here.

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