Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/Don't Snooze: Those Negative Feelings Are Your Alarm Clock
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Don't Snooze: Those Negative Feelings Are Your Alarm Clock

If you've been trying something that's not working and you feel bad emotionally about it, you're just not hearing your alarm clock loud enough. Eventually it will get your attention, most likely in a way that you won't enjoy. The trick is to hear it and react before it forces you to.

I was in a relationship that I felt needed to probably end soon, but since it wasn't that bad, I stalled and allowed the relationship to continue. I stayed there, semi-happy, as time dragged on and I wasted that one irreplaceable resource telling myself that: a) it would get better or b) it was OK if it stayed as it was.

It was only when I heard the five-year theory that (stated thusly: If things stay exactly as they are for the next five years, where will you be then? Will you be happy?) I felt enough emotional pain to take radical action -- ending the relationship abruptly and never looking back.

When you feel bad emotionally about something, that is your subconscious mind's alarm clock going off, letting you know someone has to change: Either the situation, or how you feel about it.

This is the smartest alarm clock in existence. Because when you don't respond to this alarm clock the first time, it happens again -- only it gets louder i.e., you'll feel even worse the next time.

This is not the type of alarm clock you want to snooze. Hop up immediately and take action.

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