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Don't Let The Sun Beat You Up - Or Let Darkness Beat You Down

I like waking up early. I get more done, have more time, and am at my sharpest mentally after sleeping; science says you are too. To wake up early and have a full energy allotment, I also need to go to bed reasonably early. I'm not in bed before sundown, but early enough to miss the end of 7pm-start time NBA games, let's say.

If you follow me on Snapchat, you know what I like to say: don't let the sun beat you up. If it does, you're losing. And the later you stay awake, the less likely you can wake up before the sun. [shareable cite="@DreAllDay "]Don't let the sun beat you up. If it does, you're losing.[/shareable]

We know darkness. Unfortunate outcomes, people letting us down, us letting ourselves down, general bad luck. Darkness, just like night time, happens. We don't control when darkness decides to visit us. But we do control not allowing darkness to beat us down.

What about the sun? The sun is brightness, happiness, good fortune, great results.

So when I say, don't let the sun beat you up, what exactly do I mean?

I mean, don't wait for good fortune or positive results to occur before you decide to get up mentally. Feel good about yourself before you have explicit reasons for feeling it. Be happy before you win the lottery or get the job or make the game-wining shot. Don't wait for the great outcomes to happen before you decide to get up. You go first and let them follow! [shareable cite="@DreAllDay "]Feel good about yourself before you have explicit reasons for feeling it.[/shareable]

Many people get beat up by the sun and beat down by the dark - literally and figuratively. But YOU are now the creator, and not the subject.

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