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Don’t Go Easy: Make Some Damn Noise, At Least

I have a show over on Grant Cardone TV that’s been running for about a year and a half. I’ve met and become known by many great people because of it. Not mentioning that Grant didn't book me for his conference in March, I’m happy being associated with Cardone & Co.

But I looked over at the GCTV website recently and didn't like what I was seeing. I’ll paste the relevant part of an email I immediately sent to my point person at GCTV to illustrate what I did about it.

I've sent you new content … you guys have me all the way at the bottom of the Shows listing now - what happened? Have I gotten worse? Message getting stale? All these other shows better than mine?

What you can do with this:

Notice I immediately took action on what I didn't like. Simple, yet profound.
Simply questioning sh*t you don't like is a great way to get things looking how you do want them. You don't even have to get explicit about the exact issue.

"Simply questioning sh*t you don't like is a great way to get things looking how you do want them."
When you see something you don't like, don't do/say anything, and others know you saw it (and then saw you do nothing), you’ve just unconsciously locked yourself into a position in their eyes. We call this your “reputation.” And those are hard to change, once set.
You should always find ways of letting people know that you're paying attention to what they're doing. Now, they know that you know that they know you're watching.  You'll be pleasantly surprised in how that helps your causes. [bctt tweet="always find ways of letting people know that you're paying attention to what they're doing." username="dreallday"]

[dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="big" animation="none" background="plain"]It takes balls to speak up. Let The Mental Handbook help you grow some.[/dt_quote]

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