Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Don't Be "That Friend"... 🙄🚯
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Don't Be "That Friend"... 🙄🚯

Do you have any of “those friends”?

You know… the person who you call or text, they don't reply.

Then they call or text YOU 10 days later, and talk as if your un-replied-to text never happened.

And they're only reaching out because they need or want something from you.

We all know a few of these. Hopefully not too many.

It’s actually a stretch to call them “friends.”

Well, one of these people reached out to me recently.

Me and this individual are cool. If I saw them today, it’s all good.

But I hadn't heard from this person in months. And the last time I reached out, I got no response.

This time was no different. They wanted or needed something.

They texted.

Followed the text with a call.

I planned to call them back late this afternoon. It’s part of my wiring to communicate with people punctually, even if it’s to give them bad news.

I caught myself in an unconscious habit. I thought about what I was doing.

“When’s the last time this person called or texted ME back the same day that I called or texted them?”

Never – unless I was doing something for them.

I put the phone down.

I haven't replied and I won’t.


I’ve told you, over and over again, that the world we live in today runs on conections.


This doesn't mean that you need or want everyone as a friend.

It means that you select the right type of people.

The people who value you the way you value them.

And those who bring the same value (and values) that you have.

Stay in touch.

Send checking-in texts.

Call them for no reason.

Maintain the relationship.

Because one day you'll need it.

And you don't want to be one of “those friends.”

To start building these relationships in and out of business, get the People Skills course in the University:

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