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Don’t Be Stupid

This is something dumb that people do these days.

When a certain person or idea has been summarily labeled as “bad,” people mentally cancel anything that came from or is in any way connected to that person or idea.

So, let’s say you read Person X’s book and get value from it.

But now Person X is persona non grata because (he’s racist / bigoted / “hateful” / got accused of / did something bad 14 years ago).

Now, you’re loath to admit that you like(d) Person X, or that you read Person X’s book, or that you've ever had even a neutral, non-negative thought about Person X.

I see this a lot on social media, specifically on X / Twitter, the only app on which I engage in social commentary. It keeps me abreast of what’s happening, and gives me ideas – such as this article.

This is fucking stupid. For three reasons.

1) If you allow others, or the imagined opinions of others, to dictate what you like and don’t like, you’ve abdicated your job of thinking. If “they” can control your mind, controlling everything else is not far behind.

2) Those people bleating the loudest about others’ misdeeds are usually living in the biggest of glass houses. Their faux outrage (what I call “moralizing”) is a flimsy cover for something they themselves are hiding.

3) People who can’t stand to hear the name of someone they disagree with are weaklings. Mental midgets. If you allow them to dictate to you, you are just as weak as they are — actually weaker, since you’ve allowed weaklings to tell you what to do and what to think.

Ignorance is when you do dumb things due to lack of knowledge.
Stupidity is when you do dumb things DESPITE your knowledge.

You are now informed.

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