Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Why It's Easier To Get In – But Harder To Win
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Why It's Easier To Get In – But Harder To Win

Back in the day, it was harder to get in the game.

Any game.

In sports, you had to work your way up through the amateur ranks to the pro league. Now, you can be a YouTuber and never compete.

In writing, you had to find your way to a publisher’s office. Now you have Amazon self-publishing and blogging.

The porn industry was always there. Now you have Instagram and OnlyFans.

To book a paid speaking gig, you had to know someone or be known by someone. Now you can host your own events anywhere that rents a room, or even from your home office via Zoom.

In sales, you had to persuade a buyer to write a check and mail it to you (or call you and read a credit card number). No one-click purchases.

The gates got lowered. Which is great for the everyday person to get a shot; some skilled people never got their shot back when only a few controlled who got in and who got left out.

Now we get the opposite: Some very good people get to put themselves on and call their own shot. AND, we get a bunch of trash as part of the “package deal” of the gates being open.

No perfect scenarios. Only trade-offs.

The presence of gatekeepers meant you had to be really good (or really known) to even get a start. And it meant some really good people got left on the outside looking in.

Today, we ALL get in, and no approval is needed.

But for business, the bottom line is still the bottom line.

You still must produce results, no matter if you get put on or you put yourself on.

And, if no one puts you on, no one helps you when you struggle.

No perfect scenarios. Only trade-offs.

You can start a business right now from your phone.

And, no one is invested in making sure you succeed.

You're on your own.

Where do you need help? Where are you struggling?

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