Work On Your Game Content/leadership/Certainty Delivered: Leaders Make It Easier For The Rest Of The Group
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Certainty Delivered: Leaders Make It Easier For The Rest Of The Group

A person you can count on- the one who eases tension in the group; the one who takes pressure off of everyone else.

I'm sure you can think of a person who held this position or holds it in some group you're a part of. That person is a leader. A leader is a person who takes an uncertain situation and delivers a measure of certainty to it. Involving leaders doesn't guarantee victory or success, but you'll be closer to it with them than you are without them.

To increase your own skill of leadership, observe how much certainty you deliver to any group you're a part of. In 2015, having LeBron James on your basketball team guarantees that you will have a chance to win any game. It doesn't mean you'll always win, but his presence guarantees that you'll have a chance.

What outcome or result does your presence guarantee?

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