So call me a genius. If you didn't, now that I said it, I've forced you to think it. - NaS
Nigga, know you King, why you always gotta say it fo'? Cuz they said I couldn't say it before. - T.I.
Bitch asked if I was God... fuck I'm gon' say, "No?" - Jay-Z
You reap what you sow, right? So if you're not harvesting the recognition you want, maybe you haven't planted enough seeds. Maybe you haven't told enough people about it. Maybe you're not tooting your own horn [enough].
Lots of seeds fall to the ground. Some get eaten, some wash away, some land in places that won't allow for development of roots. The huge trees, though, grow from a single seed out of the thousands that fall. That seed just happened to fall on fertile earth that was ready to receive it.
So if no one is recognizing your greatness, try suggesting it to them. Their minds may be the fertile earth your seed needs.