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Business Is A Contact Sport

In 2006, Burger King sponsored a 3-on-3 street basketball (“streetball”) tournament.

It was called The BK 3-on-3. The games were played outdoors on the concrete. No air conditioning, no cameras, and no pretty shit.

If you know anything about streetball, you know Rule #1: No blood, no foul.

In other words, if you’re not bleeding, there’s nothing to complain about and the game continues. If you want to cry, go home to your mommy.

The BK 3-on-3 was fun. It was no-holds-barred, physical, aggressive and raw. It was basically football mixed with MMA, played on a basketball court.

I grew up playing on the playgrounds. So The BK 3-on-3 was right up my alley. I had the physical and mental toughness (required if you dared step on the court at this event), plus the actual basketball skill (optional) to compete.

We didn't win the tournament, but this was my kind of game. It’s the kind of tournament that you’d be hard pressed to see these days.


Business is like The BK 3-on-3.

It’s physical, vicious, and not supposed to be easy.

The days of you or I coming up with any idea, slapping together a website, putting out one announcement about it, and all the money flowing in continuously are long gone.

If you weren't doing business back around the time of The BK 3-on-3, you never even saw those days.

Yet and still, some entrepreneurs are living as if that time still exists today.

It doesn't.

Building a sustainable business takes time and work.

You need to know your audience.

You need to know your offerings.

You need to know how to close a sale and get money.

You need to build relationships.

You need more than one way to attract and close a client.

It’s a sport, and you need to be continually working on your f*cking game.

I can help. I will help.

Your job: Meet me halfway.

Do there by going here:

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