Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/Book Review: The Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler (@SteveChandler) and Rich Litvin (@Rich_Litvin)Book Review: The Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler (@SteveChandler) and Rich Litvin (@Rich_Litvin)
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Book Review: The Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler (@SteveChandler) and Rich Litvin (@Rich_Litvin)Book Review: The Prosperous Coach by Steve Chandler (@SteveChandler) and Rich Litvin (@Rich_Litvin)

“Coaching is a good profession for people who are genuinely devoted to making a difference in the lives of others.
Coaching is not a good profession for friendship-seeking frauds and phonies. What is most sad to us is to see a genuine, good, authentic person spend their day trying in vain to market and sell and manipulate people into their coaching practice because “That’s how I thought it was supposed to work.”
That is not how it works. We will show you how it works.”

I've been coaching people for some time now, and even get coached myself. But The Prosperous Coach is the first book I've read that is 100% dedicated to the profession. It's easy to read. It is to the point. And it is worth reading again and again.

The great thing about a great book like The Prosperous Coach is that you don't have to be in the coaching business to read and get massive value from it. Coaching is not my full time business (though I am dynamite at it), and even if i didn't coach people at all, the mindset tools shared in this book are worth the price alone.

Rich Litvin was a young, ambitious coach looking for help when he reached out to Steve Chandler. Steve's coaching helped Rich's business take off and the two joined to create The Prosperous Coach.

What does this book cover? Many ideas that entrepreneurs need to know. Such as, your website is NOT the key to you building a business. You must emphasize YOU as the differentiating factor in building a business. You need to treat your business like an employee treats his job: show up, work, track your work, and clock out. And the authors get these points across in The Prosperous Coach in a much better way then I am here. That's why they wrote the book and not me.

Steve and Rich take turns speaking by book chapter. But The Prosperous Coach is such a page-turner I didn't bother noticing who was speaking. And I didn't know what either looked like (which would have helped me associate the names to the words) until looking up their Twitter accounts for this review. Rich is an active servicer of other coaches with his training and programs. Steve has written over 30 books and has audios for each. Steve lives the power of his no-website-needed advice when you look at his site and see it is still in the late 90s.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting time writing these book reviews, knowing how few people actually buy and read books. But if you happen to be one of the 1% who does read, get this book. If you have any idea of ever selling your services personally to another person or business - coaching or anything else. I guarantee you the book is worth much more than its cost.

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