Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/Book Review: The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth by James Altucher (@jaltucher)
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Book Review: The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth by James Altucher (@jaltucher)

“My previous book, Choose Yourself!, gave the basics of how you can free yourself—how to get physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy.

This book takes it one step further and reveals what I’ve done to create actual abundance for myself—to turn my life around in ways that still surprise me. To change my life completely, still, every six months.”

I don't remember exactly when I became a fan of James Altucher.

I'm pretty sure I was reading his blog called "Altucher Confidential" before he became social-media famous with his Choose Yourself brand. Even though his first book didn't move me much, I could immediately see its value and have recommended James to many people since -- so even though I got back the $5 he offered to return to all readers, James made much more from my suggestions to others than he would ever make off of just me. The CYGTW is another book that I'll be spreading around for a long time, after reading it in 4 days.

I first heard of James' book around the day of its release, when James retweeted some people who had received the physical book at their homes. I knew James had a new book coming but didn't know when. I immediately searched for the book on iBooks (my preferred reading medium) and didn't see it, so I tweeted James.

I went to the site where the CYGTW is being sold and read one of the best sales pages I've ever seen (not paid to say that). I bought the package that came with a physical book, and digital versions for every device (i.e., PDF, Word, and ePub). James also gave away a subscription to his Altucher Report site, which offers his books, premium podcasts, "private" (not anymore) letters, and some other cool stuff -- all just for getting the book. James practices the principles of creating value over seeking money that he oft preaches.

Now to the book. The CYGTW is better than Choose Yourself -- at least it is for me, since I'd already "chosen" myself, many times over, by the time I read Choose Yourself. But many of you, and a lot of people I know personally, need to read BOTH books. Now. Like, yesterday. James gets it. And even better, he can explain "it" to people in a way they can understand -- an underrated skill which is what his true value is an an author.

The Choose Yourself brand is essentially about power, but not in the conventional sense that people think of it. This power is taking control of your own life and your definition of success, how you define it. So many people are waiting -- on bosses, superiors, decision-makers before they can be happy or consider themselves successful.

A  few weeks ago, someone told me she was "miserable" at her job. I asked her what she was going to do about it. She said she would keep working there, pay her bills, and raise her kids: It was OK for her to be miserable as long as her kids were OK. She would look at other jobs, and make her decision on which to apply for based on what age she could retire at (she's in her mid-30s). I tempered myself as to expressing how ridiculous her plan was ignored to preserve the relationship. When I saw tat CYGTW came with a physical copy of the book, she was the first person I thought of sending it to. James Altucher's books gives people like her the talking-to that she and many others desperately need.

CYGTW is all about abundance, which is not necessarily money. James emphasizes that money is simply a byproduct of successful living: Physical, Spiritual, Emotional, and Social well-being are his four pillars of said success. This books goes deep into money, though -- ways to make it, how to create and execute your ideas, what not to do (like buy a house or go to college) and a ton of personal stories that show that James is more than qualified to write what he writes.

What's great about James Altucher is that he doesn't have the self-important aura of a person who's had the successes he has had -- and that it would be hard to get the stories of his successes out of him since he puts so much emphasis on his failures in his writing.

My final statement on this book: If you are, in any area of your life, waiting for someone's decision in order to make you either a failure or a success, you need to start reading James Altucher. Get the CYGTW package and all the books come with it (again, not being paid to say that, nor if/when you buy it. Just offering my opinion).

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