Work On Your Game Content/Discipline/Bend To The Wind: Adjust Yourself To The Situation First, Then Adjust The Situation To You
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Bend To The Wind: Adjust Yourself To The Situation First, Then Adjust The Situation To You

You won't be able to control everything. And the more people you deal with, the more randomness you'll encounter. If you try to maintain all of your normal patterns -- of thought, actions, locations, etc. -- you'll either be disappointed or become angry because you're the only one in the room with those patterns.

New circumstances require new ways of thinking and acting. Look at your situation as it is first, and adjust yourself to it. Then, start to slowly bend the circumstances to your way of being. If you come from the outside of a situation and try to change too many things you will meet stiff resistance. Once you accept the situation and adjust to it outwardly, you can slowly mold it in your own image.

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