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Believe Me

I was watching the ending of regulation of game 3 of the NBA Playoff game between Golden State and New Orleans -- when Stephen Curry made this shot-- and it got me to thinking about belief.

That link isn't the actual video; it’s a photo of the ball leaving Steph's hands on the shot that forced overtime (because he made it with less than 3 seconds left and his team was down by 3 points). What the photo pointed out, as noted by many on Twitter, is that a lot of the fans in New Orleans that night -- cheering against Steph's team -- had an impending feeling of doom in the split second it took Curry to release that ball.

There is good reason for that: Stephen Curry is a hell of a basketball player. He puts in the work to be good. And he believes in himself. What that photo shows, however, is the transfer of belief from one person to the entire road crowd.

You can have so much belief in yourself that you transfer it to everyone else in the room -- even when they don't want to believe in you. But you cannot transfer something that you don't have. So the question begs: What part of yourself do you believe in that much?

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