Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/Assuming that you have created an audience on a specific topic, how would you manage it if you wanted to change the topic in the future?
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Assuming that you have created an audience on a specific topic, how would you manage it if you wanted to change the topic in the future?

A question I answered on Quora: Assuming that you have created an audience on a specific topic, how would you manage it if you wanted to change the topic in the future?


I’ve done this myself, having built an audience by talking (and showing) the ins and outs of training for basketball (drills, moves etc) and pivoting to the Mental Game derived from sports but applied to all of life.

The steps:

Get a clear understanding of yourself of what you were and what you will be
Share that clear understanding with your current audience, along with why it’s happening and what benefit they’ll get from such a change (if any)
Give them a sample of what the future will be
Sell your audience on continuing with you on this new topic
Offer contingencies for the old topic for those who still want more of it (products, archives, other people to follow etc)
Decide if you’ll keep all your old-topic stuff: Same or new show/channel/blog? Same or new title? Medium for sharing?
Jump into the new topic!

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