Work On Your Game Content/Personal Branding/As A Freelancer, Are You Satisfied With Your Current Level Of Paying Clients?
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As A Freelancer, Are You Satisfied With Your Current Level Of Paying Clients?

Did you know that you actually help your clients & customers MORE when they PAY for what you offer than when they get it for free?
I know it sounds somewhat crazy, because you may have heard about giving away ALL your material for free (and maybe heard me talk about giving away a ton of value up-front).
And while that is important, I’m going to expose three myths that are going to revolutionize the way you build your brand and turn your knowledge and experience into revenue.
While I was still a professional athlete, I became an entrepreneur and author. My material has reached over 52 million people worldwide, and I help people like you to do the same thing through your experiences.
So what is this system of mine?
It’s the Value Machine System.
It’s made to train you to understand that your knowledge and experience DO have massive value -- but ONLY when they've been "mined" for the key takeaways that matter to a specific audience, and presented in a way that makes a difference to and for those specific people.
Once you start to do that, the right clients will find you much more easily.
So I’m going to share with you 3 myths about this whole content and products industry, and share how you can create products and services from your knowledge and sell them to eagerly-paying clients.
And I know what you’re probably thinking: that creating content and products is not so easy to do -- and neither is selling them!
But I’m going to show you a great way you can leverage your knowledge to create free content -- and how to create paid EXCHANGES from that to produce amazing results.
The first myth: you have to give away all of your best value for free to establish a brand name.
The big idea here is there are people out there -- we'll call them "freeloaders" -- who will ONLY consume free material and never buy anything from you. While not everyone is a buyer, the buyers WILL buy — IF you offer them something of value in the right way.
This is important because you only have business when there is an EXCHANGE: you give them something, and they give you something.
If there's no exchange, while you are surely providing value, you're not maximizing that value for yourself, and your clients are not getting what they truly need from it -- because they're not fully invested!

The second myth: you need a huge advertising budget and/or a big team of employees in order to create an audience.
The main thing to understand here is that many online "influencers" and social media platforms want you to pay them to get yourself and your material seen by the right audience -- or you'll otherwise remain anonymous.
The truth is, though advertising can amplify your message and get it seen by lots of people quickly, consumers have developed "ad blindness" -- we can spot an ad a mile away and have conditioned ourselves to unconsciously ignore them.
Further, ads are a one-off interaction -- there's no long-term relationship built through an ad impression.
The third myth is the FALSE belief that you personally have only a few valuable experiences to share with the world.
That you have to have done some incredibly rare thing or been through some harsh tragedy to have a valuable and engaging story.
This is key because not everyone has beaten the Ebola virus twice or climbed a mountain with one leg. But there are people who are, right now, in the spot that you were in 5 months or 5 years ago, and they would greatly value learning what you already know is coming in their future.
Now, I know what you may be thinking: It’s probably super-expensive to work directly with me on this stuff.
The great thing is, I have codified the system that I used -- and still use -- to turn my own life experiences into content, and that content into products, and those products into revenue.
And I'm looking for eager students to teach this system to.
I’ve organized and systematized this 10 week training system so you can become a subject-matter expert.
This is a system that has been in use for 15 years and has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs either start or expand their brands and turn their knowledge into business.
What this is going to do is make it easy for you to create products and services from your knowledge and sell them to eager paying clients!
And I, as a former 9-year professional athlete, entrepreneur and author who has written 25 books, done 4 TEDxTalks, and created over 15,000 pieces of original content, what I do is systematize the creation of both content and products, and turn every experience into future material.
I've created more original content than ANYONE in the history of the internet, turned that content into books, speaking gigs, and products with no "inside" connections.
And I’ve created a 10-week program for teaching this system.
If you click the link at the bottom of this message, you can register today.
I honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll keep this 10 week training system available, and prices will probably go up —because this is an introductory offer, and it's worth a lot more than what we're charging.
The reality is, as more people start using it, the price will go up because demand will increase -- and this initial registration is limited to only 20 people.
So click the link below to get registered today while it’s still available.
As you know, I’m always here to help. I could tell you all the amazing results I’ve gotten for business owners, freelancers and brand builders just like you who are struggling with or looking to get traction for your brand & business.
We also have several MasterClasses to help you find your voice, master your message and codify your knowledge into sellable products — but today I’m talking specifically about this 10 week training system, which is, if I can say so myself, AMAZING.
I look forward to seeing you inside.

Here’s the link:
Here’s The Link

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