Work On Your Game Content/business and money/Are You An Artist 🎨 Or An Entrepreneur 💵?
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Are You An Artist 🎨 Or An Entrepreneur 💵?

Today, we have the “Creator Economy.”

This is the marketplace where people who create things for a living are able to make money from their creations. These are your influencers on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and whatever other platform may pop up.

The challenge for Creators is that no one has taught them how to do business. (I explained this in Work On Your Game Podcast episode #1862: Want To Be A Creator Or Influencer? Listen To This NOW.)

Technically, as soon as you start creating things and make money from it, you are officially in business, officially an entrepreneur.

The Creator Economy has created many entrepreneurs in fact, who remain creators (or “artists”) in spirit.

The challenge for social media creators / artists is that you don’t have control over your business. It can be snatched from underneath your feet at any moment by the platform upon which you are publishing.

But this “Creator” challenge is not limited to online influencers. It applies to all entrepreneurs whose business is based on things that you have created from scratch.

That means you — coaches, authors, speakers, comedians, podcasters, course creators, and subject matter experts of all kinds.

Why? Because people who sell things that they created from scratch are emotionally connected to the creations.

You tend to think your stuff is much more valuable or much less valuable than it actually is.
Which leads to you being upset when people don’t see the value in it, or under-selling yourself when you do get someone interested.

This leads to a bigger problem.

You spend more time creating things than you spend marketing and selling those creations.

This is a big business MISTAKE.

You need to spend MORE time marketing and selling your stuff that you spend creating your stuff. This is hard for an artist or creator to do, because it is in your nature to create things.

It’s more fun, it’s easier. There’s less stress. And, unlike with sales, no one has to agree that your creation is any good or worth anything.

I understand your position. My nature is that of a creator. I morphed myself into an entrepreneur. So I know where you are and where you need to go. I know who you are and who you need to become.

Most creative entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs in name only.

This is why your stuff isn’t selling. Nobody knows about it, and you’re not selling it!

In Work On Your Game University, one of the main things I help you do is think and act like an entrepreneur — not like a “Creator.”

This starts with mindset, follows with strategy and then habits.

Most people do this process BACKWARDS. That’s why it doesn’t work.

There’s a difference between a creator and an entrepreneur — in mindset, behaviors, outcomes and income.

Do you want to be an entrepreneur in spirit — not just in name?

If so, schedule a call here:

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