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A TRUE Story About A Cat 😸

There was a house cat who finally got the chance to do what it had always wanted to do.

This cat had never been let out of the house. It was a nice house though, comfortable with many napping spaces. The cat was always well-fed and well-groomed.

Despite this relative comfort, the cat had bigger visions.

It wanted to see what the outside world was like.

Every day, our cat would sit on the windowsill for hours watching everyone else – humans, dogs, cats – move about freely. The cat got to thinking that he, also, deserved such freedom. The cat decided that If he ever got his chance, he would take it.

A few mornings later, opportunity presented itself.

When the humans of the house opened the door for a UPS delivery, our cat saw his chance. He darted outside and hid in the only place he was familiar with: the bushes outside of that very window that he always looked out of.

His owners went out looking for him, calling his name, putting out his favorite foods and milk, to no avail. The cat stayed hiding in the bushes for several hours, until the humans gave up their search.

Now our cat had a whole wide world to explore.

The only real question was, where would he go first?

… He could check out the grocery store, where his owners had always bought his favorite cat (and human) foods.
… Or the local park, where the kids of the house played their sports and games.
… Maybe go and visit the cat groomer unannounced and get a new haircut?

After a few hours of analysis, our cat had gone… NOWHERE.

Still in the bushes, partly due to indecision, but mostly due to a fear of what existed outside of the confines of those bushes and his favorite window.

Byt the end of the night, our cat was meowing and scratching at the door of his home. The humans gleefully welcome him back.

He never left the house again, even when he saw the door wide open.


Maybe you guessed, but I didn't write to tell you about a cat.

The cat in this story is YOU.

The house is your MINDSET.

The front door is the LIMITING BELIEFS that have kept you where you are.

The cat’s “outside world” are all the OPPORTUNITIES, OFFERS AND CHANCES that you talk about taking – but have passed on when they were presented to you.

The cat’s meowing and scratching at the front door of the house is you, RUNNING BACK TO YOUR COMFORT ZONE, again and again.

The cat staying in the house for the rest of life, never again even dreaming about leaving, is you, TODAY.

The front door is open.

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