Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#987: How To Handle Frustration
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#987: How To Handle Frustration

Not everything is going to go exactly how we want it to go all the time, even when we’re working as hard as we can on the most perfectly laid-out plans. Today I tell you how to handle the frustration that may begin to creep in.

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2:00 Today's Topic: How To Handle Frustrations

3:35 Point I: Remember the Serenity Prayer.

5:07 You need the serenity to accept the major sources of frustrations.

7:51 Noticing the 99% of life is not in your control despite how much you think it's in your control, it's not in your control and accepting that.

15:17 Focus on where you can make an impact. Where can you affect change? What can you do?

15:45 Point II: Asses what you have done and have not done that has led you to where you are right now.

17:13 You are more responsible for your situation than anyone else.

18:59 Point III: Never sell #678 - Why you perform better in life when you get angry, one of the reasons is we get focused. Leverage that energy into decision-making and permanent change.

22:03 Recap


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