Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#979: 10 Steps For Improved Self-Care
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#979: 10 Steps For Improved Self-Care

Who doesn’t want to take better care of herself or himself? Exactly. Today I share ten ways you can start (or continue to) take better care of yourself.

4:27 Today's Topic: 10 Steps For Improved Self-Care

6:10 Point I: Get adequate sleep

9:12 Point II: Spend the first hour of your day on you, not on anyone else's agenda

10:41 Point III: Meditate

12:56 Point IV: Exercise

14:31 Point V: Stop paying so much attention to what other people are doing

16:51 Point VI: List all the reasons why you're great

18:06 Point VII: Eat right

19:48 Point VIII: Create routines and honor those routines

21:46 Point IX: Stop arguing with people

22:54 Point X: Invest in positive energy

24:13 Recap

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