Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#968: Why You’re Good One Day And Bad The Next Day
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#968: Why You’re Good One Day And Bad The Next Day

Consistency. Professionals not only deliver at a high level — they do it consistently. If you want to be considered “great,” you bring your best performance all the time. If you can’t or don’t do it, you can’t be great. Today’s show is aimed at helping anyone who believes you’re great, but your inconsistency is keeping your from making that greatness real.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

4:29 Today's Topic: Why You're Good One Day But Bad The Next Day

6:10 Point I: You have not put enough work in it yet.

6:48 When you're professional at what you do, people look at you and say, we should expect to know what to expect from this individual.

8:42 You gotta know what you're working on.

9:05 Point II: Maybe you were never good in the first place.

9:37 You are what you repeatedly do. —Aristotle

11:32 Point III: You haven't yet grasped the seriousness of having to do it every time.

14:22 Step Up.

14:34 Point IV: Circumstance is determining your performance more than decisions.

16:37 When you're a pro, you determine what you do.

18:04 Recap

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