Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#958: Finding Your Distinct Advantage
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#958: Finding Your Distinct Advantage

What is it that makes you MUCH different from everyone else in your space? It’s not skill or talent; while they matter, there’s always someone with more than you. Today you learn how you find the difference that separates you from the pack — even if they have more skill than you.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:24 Today's Topic: Finding Your Distinct Advantage

4:50 Point I: You will be better known if you focus on doing what you do and what you do really well than for doing for what you think will get you known and seen.

6:52 Point II: Everything is not for everybody and everybody is not for everything.

12:15 Point III: When you have a distinct advantage it cannot be replicated.

13:36 When you have a distinct advantage it cannot be copied and you can't be beaten at it.

15:43 Recap---

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