This episode is for my students, in or headed to college — and parents of future students — on how to get the most of your experience. In going to college, you’re making a big investment, probably the largest investment you’ve made to that point in life. It would be smart to know how to make the most of such an investment.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at
3:07 Today's Topic: How To Utilize Your Time In College
9:18 Point I: The purpose of college is not to jam you with information and to prepare you for adult life
10:25 Nobody supplies the answers when you get into adult life.
12:21 Point II: You are a college, you need to think
14:57 The purpose of you being in school is to learn to think for yourself.
16:41 Point III: You must learn to build relationships and make friends
18:06 Point IV: Stay Stupid
20:08 Recap
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