Most of us live life in a small, tiny circle: The places we always go, the people we always deal with, the thoughts we automatically have, the opinions we’re unwilling to alter. Thus, as our environments don’t change, neither do we — but the word is always changing; that’s the only thing the world is always doing.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at
3:06 Today's Topic: Why You Need To Get Away From Where You're From
4:48 Point I: Not everywhere and everyone is like where you're at and who you know
7:53 Point II: The knowledge and value you can share all comes from experience
9:01 We value the people who have the most experience because they have the most to share.
13:00 Point III: You can always come back home
13:45 You can bring with you what you got from everywhere else.
15:23 Recap
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