The most valuable asset you own is your vision of your future. While the reality and facts of your life should of course be taken into account, the vision of what those facts can and will be matter even more.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at
3:39 Today's Topic: Why Vision is More Valuable than the Facts
4:48 Point I: Leaders by definition are the people moving us forward.
6:39 Vision creates future facts.
8:59 Point II: Facts, a harsh, cold and unforgiving piece of information.
9:55 Vision can keep us confident, positive and looking forward to the future.
15:44 Point III: A compelling vision will direct you and tell you exactly what to do with the facts.
18:33 If you wanna get better in anything, in any area of your life at what you're doing, the vision for making it better must be stronger
19:52 Vision is your ability to create what's going to happen. Facts do not change. Facts get changed.
21:25 Recap
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