Not everything can be consumed in 60-, 15- or 289-character sound bites. There’s a process that must be respected and followed for any lasting successes. Today I’ll explain why that is, how to do it, and what you may need to change starting now.
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3:39 Today's Topic: Success Cannot Be Microwaved
14:06 Point I: TIME
14:19 Time is the only 'non-renewable' of our biggest resources.
15:14 It does not slow down or speed up ever for anyone.
15:19 Time does not wait for anybody.
16:18 You cannot shortcut or cheat time.
18:33 Pray to God. Get on your knees, and pray to your 'Higher Being' for some 'Divine Intervention' that will make you the player that you have not paid the price to become.
19:37 Point II: What comes quickly, leaves quickly.
20:28 Anything that stands the test of time, It had to have time invested in it from the beginning.
27:54 Point III: Some things never change.
29:32 Not everything is different.
31:03 Next time someone older tells you something, LISTEN.
32:13 Recap---
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