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Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#916: Warren Buffet’s 4 Investment Principles
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#916: Warren Buffet’s 4 Investment Principles

People like advice from Warren Buffet because he’s known as a very wealthy man. Today’s show draws parallels between Warren’s basic investment advice and your life, sport and business.

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3:34 Today's Topic: Warren Buffet's 4 Investment Principles

5:55 Point I: We only invest in companies which we can understand

7:45 What are you about? Is it clear that you are about that through your actions?

7:49 Point II: Do you have favorable long-term prospects?

9:07 Are you doing something that has a future in it?

10:50 Point III: Operated by honest and competent people

11:11 Do you know what you're doing?

11:49 Whatever resources you have at this moment you're doing something with it to get towards the place that you say you want to be at. It's what you do with what you have

13:21 Point IV: Available at a very attractive price

13:54 When you are making an offer to other people, are you making an offer just for what you're gonna gain yourself or are you making it equitable for that person?

15:43 You can have everything you want if you help other people other people get what they want. — Zig Ziglar

16:09 Recap

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