Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#911: The Power Of Self-Distancing
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#911: The Power Of Self-Distancing

It’s hard for us to see our lives objectively because we’re so close to ourselves all the time. Today’s show is about learning to step outside of ourselves, a practice that can help us better see what’s really going on.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:57 Today's Topic: The Power of Self Distancing

5:26 Point I: We don't have the ingrained fears about someone else's life that we have about our own

9:19 Move yourself to action. We do not have the fears when we step outside of ourselves

9:51 Point II: It is much easier to kick our own ass when we're looking at ourselves from outside of ourselves

12:39 Point III: You can see what everyone else is seeing and make your adjustments

12:52 Everybody else sees things in you that you may have a hard time seeing in yourself simply because you see yourself all the time

17:33 The power of self-distancing is we could start seeing those blind spots that we can't see when we're looking at everything in the first person pov

17:39 Recap

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