Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#900: How To Make Your Presence Felt
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#900: How To Make Your Presence Felt

Ever felt like your skill wasn’t being recognized? That you had much more ability than you were receiving attention or money or any other kid of return for? Today’s show is for you.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:57 Today’s Topic: How to make your presence felt

4:32 You gotta make yourself stand out while competing against a bunch of other people who are also trying to stand out

6:37 Point I: You gotta know what’s going on

8:05 Positioning yourself to best offer what’s missing or needed

10:39 Observe to see where the opportunities are

10:52 Point II: You gotta take a risk

11:31 You gotta do something bold that puts you on the line. Be Aggressive!

12:20 Be involved

13:33 Point III: You gotta create contrast

14:50 You gotta do something that makes you very different, distinct from what everybody else is doing in that space

18:25 Disclaimer: Two things when you do something in contrast

18:32 You must be good at it

18:39 You better be right. It better work!

20:33 Recap:

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