Everyone could use some help now and then. Each of us should graduate, however, from needing a certain type or level of help to actually giving it. The ultimate level of help is teaching people to help themselves. Today’s show is about helping people become self-sufficient.
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2:56 Today’s Topic: 14 Leadership Principles of Amazon Part 1
4: 45 Point I: Customer Obsession
5:13 The person you give value and get value in exchange
6:37 You need to know who your customer is. It is your job to satisfy in order to for you to continue receiving value
6:59 Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsessed over customers
7:53 Point II: Ownership
8:51 If you’re a leader and you have taken ownership, everything is your job
9:07 Nothing is not your job. You take full ownership of everything going on around you
9:14 Point III: Invent and Simplify
9:44 When you’re doing something new and hasn’t been accepted yet, people may have negative things to say about you
11:06 Point IV: Leaders Are Right, A Lot
13:22 A leader is right a lot, maybe wrong sometimes but often they’re right because they have strong judgment and they good instinct, skills and work on their gam
13:31 Point V: Learn and Be Curious
15:57 A leader is always looking for ways to make themselves better and make the people around them better
16:06 Point VI: Hire and Develop the Best
16:42 Leaders breed more Leaders
18:26 You’re only a leader when you are grooming up other people who can come up under you and do just as well as you
19:04 Point VII: Leaders Insist on the Highest Standard
19:30 Leaders ensure that defects do no get sent down the line and that problems are fixed
21:17 A leader’s job is to get the best out of you and get the most out of you
21:21 Recap