Everyone could use some help now and then. Each of us should graduate, however, from needing a certain type or level of help to actually giving it. The ultimate level of help is teaching people to help themselves. Today’s show is about helping people become self-sufficient.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at dreallday.com/free
2:55 Today’s Topic: How to help someone become self-sufficient
6:43 The greatest form of giving is anonymous to anonymous
07:42 Point I: Stop spoon feeding them all of the answers
10:22 You do not need permission to do the right thing, you just need the courage to do the right thing.
10:50 The worst type of individuals, the person who does exactly what they’re told and doesn’t do anything else. – Napoleon Hill
12:03 Don’t say anything
12:42 The more information they get to put out there, the less people believe that they need to actually think.
13:07 We can figure things out if we challenge ourselves to do so.
13:27 Point II: Challenge a persons result
18:55 Just do the mission. Give them the opportunity to be self sufficient enough to prove that they can do whatever it is you want them to do.
19:03 Point III: Get people power
20:10 Power means choice. It means options.
20:58 Recap