Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#871: How To Stop Selling Yourself Short
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#871: How To Stop Selling Yourself Short

Ever felt like you should be getting more a return on your skills and contribution to the world? Maybe you’re right. Today’s show explains how to solve that issue now and forever.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:56 Today’s Topic: How To Stop Selling Yourself Short

4:00 Point I: Look at the progress that you’re making at the pace at which you’re moving and your current situation. Then ask yourself a very simple question, “If I continue on this path, at this pace, will I get there?”

5:16 Point II: Who has something in one of those areas of what you want, where you want to be, and who you need to be? Compare them to you at least in that area in which they have what you want compared to what they’re doing.

11:13 Point III: Raise your expectations, and when you raise your expectations in life, this will automatically invoke in changing your actions.

20:00 Recap

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