When you have big goals, you may feel you’re really far away from reaching them, no matter how much work you do or how much progress you achieve. Today’s show is about appreciating that progress regardless of how much more ground you have left to cover.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at dreallday.com/free
2:57 Today’s Topic: Appreciate Your Progress
4:23 Whatever you pay attention to will grow in your mind, and will grow in your physical life, will manifest itself. And whatever you ignore will go away.
6:09 Point I: If you do not have an accomplishments list, that must also mean that you do not own The Mental Workbook and you need to get it now at www.deallday.com/workbook
7:53 Condition your mind to recognizeand to appreciate your achievements
8:38 Point II: While our focus is forward in life, however small the rear view mirror still exists
11:13 Use yuor rearview every now and then to see where you’ve been but don’t get fixated on it. Always keep most of your focus forward.
13:04 Point III: Appreciate yourself for your progress even when you are moving slowly
17:38 The slow motion that you’re going through right now doesn’t mean you’re always going to be in slow motion
18:18 Recap