Everyone can comment these days. So easily, in fact, that commentary has become (even more of) a genre of its own waiting for something to happen or someone to do something then talking about it is a new business model.
While it’s not illegal and some people are actually good at it, I’d like to see more doers and creators. In Today’s episode, I make my case for why.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at dreallday.com/free
2:57 Today’s Topic: We Need More Doers, Fewer Commentators
6:25 Point I: Power will always be in the hands of the creators
10:47 Point II: Commentary exposes you to the best possible criticism
14:06 Point III: Don’t want to talk to the person who’s talking about what somebody else did
19:16 Point IV: The creator is a person who brings something into existence
20:30 Recap