Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#852: The Habit Of Doing It NOW
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#852: The Habit Of Doing It NOW

I talk to many people who feel they should be “more productive” in their work each day. Wouldn’t it be great if we just did all our needed “stuff” at the moment we thought of or saw the need for it? How great would we feel about ourselves?

Today you will learn how to develop such a habit.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:33 Today’s Topic: The Habit Of Doing It NOW

2:41 The time is always now

4:44 People who lead in life are the people who don’t hesitate and procrastinate

3:40 Point I: Is there value in taking time off? Yes. But you do not tune in to this podcast to be more, be the best version of yourself and reach you goals.

5:33 Point II: We don’t always need to add more things to our lives

6:27 You can clear your mind of the mental sewage of the things that are not yet done

6:40 Get rid of the things that are not yet done

7:55 Every time you think in your mind that there is something you need to do but don’t get done, it takes up a little space in your mind

11:51 Point III: Separate from the masses – this is the simplest strategy to raising yourself from the average masses of people is to do things right now

14:41 Some people are just not willing to do what is required

15:23 Don’t take your time, and start to inject urgency into your day

15:55 Doing it now is a choice, a discipline

16:38 Recap

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