We can work on our games and prepare well, but we never truly know exactly what’s going to happen in our lives. Sometimes that uncertainty can be maddening and worrisome.
What can we do about it? I have some answers for you.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at dreallday.com/free
2:30 Today’s Topic: What To Do When You’re Unsure About Your Future
3:55 As time goes on many people are dealing with the same acute issue of being unsure about their prospects for success because we can all see what everyone else is doing, then we are looking at ourselves and playing the comparison game
5:09 Point I: Skill up – work on your game
6:03 How often are you doing the thing that you are working for?
7:13 The number one thing you need to do is to get better at what you do
8:04 Point II: Go seek fins and create opportunities in which you can prove your game
8:54 Someone saying that someone saying “I don’t have a chance” is no more a suitable excuse for lacking a track record
10:20 The more that you prove your game, you feel better about you and you’ll open up the possibility to be seen by someone who gives a damn
13:59 Point III: You get up off your ass and stop whining about it
15:03 When you are unsure about something, you’re probably not doing something
16:22 What you need to do is to get out there and get on the field
18:44 If nothing happens after being active, either you are in the wrong field or you don’t have the game you thought you had
21:28 If you are active and you have game, eventually things are gonna turnover for you
22:06 Recap