Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#850: Creating Vacuums For What You Want
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#850: Creating Vacuums For What You Want

When you buy new furniture and it’s set to be delivered, it would help to have the old couch and loveseats moved out of your living room — otherwise there’s no space for he new stuff.

Today’s show is about creating space for what you want in life by removing what you don’t want that’s occupying the space you’d need for the new stuff.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at

2:28 Today’s Topic: Creating Vacuums For What You Want

2:50 A vacuum is a space entirely void of matter.

3:25 If there is no space for it, you can’t get it

3:52 Point I: First thing you gotta do is clean house and eliminate what is not needed

5:53 Point II: You gotta make the possibility real

7:59 What are you creating space for?

8:49 You gotta align yourself with the possibility that you want

11:16 Point III: You want better energy or a clearer mentality in life

11:52 Clear your mind of the unproductive negative thoughts

12:32 The negative thought and the positive thoughts cannot occupy the same space at the same time

15:26 Recap

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