Though opportunity is indeed all around us all the time, the windows for taking advantage do come and go quickly. Today, learn how to quickly take advantage of quickly-evaporating chances.
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2:15 Today’s Topic: Fast Opportunity: How To Take Advantage Quickly
5:03 Being prepared and being ready is important so when you get that opportunity, your game is on point that you can cease the opportunity
5:23 You might not even get that full shot at your opportunity
5:42 Point I: The shot that you get, may not be exactly what you expect it to be
6:26 Your game better be so on point that what little opportunity you get, you show that you are worthy and willing to take on more opportunity
12:07 You know Kobe Bryant’s name because he has the mindset of doing the best with the little opportunity he is given
14:55 DJ Kahled was given a shot glass of opportunity and he went and got the rest himself
15:01 Point II: In the professional ranks, people who make decisions know exactly what they want and exactly what they don’t want
15:41 Perish the habit of convincing, people will decide immediately and that is final
16:30 In professional ranks, they will not directly say NO but they will put you on the side
17:00 You gotta be so good at what you are doing and you gotta be so much better at putting yourself in front of the right people
20:00 Point III: Know what makes you valuable and put that on the front page of your presentation
22:35 Recap