Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#832: Stop Waiting And Do The Thing
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#832: Stop Waiting And Do The Thing

People all over the world are waiting for… their opportunity. Waiting for the right time. Waiting for someone to do something so they can do their thing. Today’s episode is about why you need to stop waiting, and start taking — action.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Mental Workbook. Learn more at

2:16 Today’s Topic: Stop Waiting And Do The Thing

3:35 Move yourself to action

3:57 Think of what that thing is

4:49 Point I: The invitation or your ticket is not coming

4:23 The right timing is when you want it to be

5:55 Point II: The difference makers are people who decide that now is their time and proceed to do their thing

9:24 I’m not gonna stay on my lane, I’m gonna make everything my lane -Puff Daddy

11:08 Point III: Didn’t you have the same idea last year?

12:25 Waiting is the act of delaying action or staying where one is until a particular time or something else happens

12:51 The only time we really have is right now

13:52 When are YOU gonna happen to the situation

14:20 Recap

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