We talked weeks ago about how your failures and mistakes don’t make you. Today is about how to leverage your success — no matter how few and far between — for more future success. There’s an art to this.
Today’s show is brought to you by The Super You. Learn more at dreallday.com/super
2:17 Today’s Topic: Why Your Successes Matter More Than Your Failures
3:00 The things that are simple, basic, and easy are harder to believe
3:27 Point I: Computers and dogs get trained by making positive reinforcements
4:27 The things that you positively reinforce, will be repeated because it will get some type of reward
4:54 Negative reinforcement is a consequence with negative energy
5:39 To extinguish a behaviour, you give it NO reinforcement
7:10 When we fail, we reinforce that failure with negative energy
7:28 Point II: We need practice and repetition
8:38 When you miss a shot, forget about that, and move quickly on to make another shot
9:01 Move on from a miss quickly so you do not have time to dwell on it or negatively reinforce the loss
11:35 Point III: Shame & remorse fall in the category of egotistical and self-centred emotions
14:03 Self-confidence is an outwardly projecting emotion
14:29 The energy you put out is the energy you get back
14:54 Recap