Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#817: You Will Make Mistakes — But The Mistakes Don’t Make You
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#817: You Will Make Mistakes — But The Mistakes Don’t Make You

Messing up. Blowing an opportunity. Knowing what you needed to do — and not doing it. We all make mistakes and have fuck-ups. What differentiates people, though, is how much we allow those mistakes to define us and how long we allowed ourselves to dwell on them.

That’s today’s topic.

Today’s show is brought to you by The Mental Workbook. Learn more at

2:24 Today’s Topic: You Will Make Mistakes — But The Mistakes Don’t Make You

3:14 We beat ourselves up over stuff that we have done wrong or things that we have yet to achieve

3:50 Point I: You have to separate your actions from your person

4:18 See things as they are but do not make it worse than what they are

5:35 Get The Mental Workbook at

7:03 If your really want to get to where you want to get to in life, you are not gonna get there by following conventional wisdom

7:34 Listen to Episode# 721 Academic Life, Professorship, Depression & Mental Health with Latoya Baldwin Clark

8:05 Point II: Stop replaying the bad movies of your past

8:59 A bad movie is anything that happened in the past where things were not great, perfect, and excellent but you keep playing in your mind

12:51 Point III: You gotta get back on the bike

14:38 When you fall, don’t make a big drama, just get back on the bike and start riding again

16:08 Recap

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