Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#815: When To Ignore People’s Advice And Go Your Own Way
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#815: When To Ignore People’s Advice And Go Your Own Way

Everyone offers advice these days — podcasts, YouTube videos, social media posts random people how you don’t even know, people who you do know who think they know how to best help you.

Sometimes they have good, useful advice, and sometimes they don’t. Today I’ll help you understand when to listen to “them” and when to listen to YOU.

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2:18 Today’s Topic: When To Ignore People’s Advice And Go Your Own Way

3:37 The bigger you are, the more you achieve and accomplish, the more people may offer you suggestions

4:55 Some advice you get may be good

8:01 Point I: You should be wary of advice that directly affects the person who is giving it to you

9:41 Try to get advice from someone who is removed from the decision that you will make

9:58 Point II: When you are ready to bet on yourself that is the time you need to go your own way

10:14 if you are asking if you’re ready to bet on yourself, you are not ready to bet on yourself

14:54 Point III: When you feel it is the right move, consulting your gut, your instincts, that is the time to go your own way

17:22 All of us have instincts

17:43 Recap

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