Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#810: What You Need Multiple Flows Of In Life
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#810: What You Need Multiple Flows Of In Life

IT would be great to have more than one path to success in everything you do, wouldn’t it? Good, I think so too. So today’s show details all the areas of life in which you need to have more than one way to make it happen. HINT: it’s about more than just money. You need a lot of other things in place to get to the money; today you’ll learn what they are and why you need them in abundance.

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2:17 Today’s Topic: What You Need Multiple Flows Of In Life

2:50 There is always one way of getting the things you want in life

3:48 Point I: You need multiple streams of money

5:07 If anything happens to your primary stream, you could end up in a prescarious position

5:23 Point II: You need multiple streams of energy

6:25 Things you can do even when your body is not feeling perfect

7:55 You don’t always have to depend on yourself for all the energy

10:40 Point III: You need multiple flows of ideas

11:20 You may be a very smart person, but you don’t always have to

13:10 Point IV: You need multiple flows of time

13:25 We all have hard limits on our time, but you can use someone else’s time

14:35 Recap

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