You can pay attention and not be focused. You can also be focused on things you should have never paid attention to, wasting resources that could go to things that matter for your life. I mentioned both of these elements in discussing the five forms of investment (episode #609) and today I’ll explain the distinction between them.
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2:10 Today’s Topic: Focus Vs. Attention: Know The Difference
2:12 Listen to Episode #609 The 5 Forms Of Investment, And How To Use Each
4:49 Point I: Attention is what you are looking at, focus is what you will take away
7:01 Just because you paid attention to something does not mean you know it, does not mean you can do anything with it doesn’t mean you shall profit from it. Tweet this @DreAllDay
7:45 Point II: Being somewhere physically is one thing and being present is another thing
9:01 A Daily Game post about just doing the bare minimum at “I Didn’t’ Do Anything Wrong!”
11:20 If you are in a service based business, ask this – what can I do by dealing with this client that will make this person give me more money than the amount that we agreed upon?
15:52 Point III: Attention means to take notice, focus is the center of that noticing
16:06 Focus is the key to success
16:34 What needs to change is what you see in what you are looking at
18:52 What are you going to get from your focus?
19:01 Recap